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Celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary

Celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary

Sesquicentennial – now there’s a word. Pronounced [ses-kwi-sen-‘ten-ee-uhl], it means 150th anniversary or celebration. And in two years’ time it’s going to be the word on everyone’s lips as Canada marks the 150th anniversary of Confederation. 2017 will be a huge celebratory year in Canada – Have you started thinking ahead yet? Do you have a ‘Sesquicentennial project’? Conversations about […] The post Celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary appeared first on SeaChange Seafoods - Unique Canadian Gifts.

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Smoked salmon: hot or cold smoked?

Before refrigeration, salmon was smoked and dried to preserve it. Canada’s First Nations peoples perfected the method to preserve their wild salmon catch for a long winter. Today there are as many kinds of smoked salmon as there are chefs – and lots of questions too. One we often get asked here at SeaChange is whether our Canadian wild salmon […] The post Smoked salmon: hot or cold smoked? appeared first on SeaChange Seafoods - Unique Canadian Gifts.

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What is a SeaChange Smoked Sockeye Salmon Travel Pack?

What’s in a name? You’ll notice that we have a product called Smoked Sockeye Salmon Travel Pack. We’re often asked what the difference is between that product and our Smoked Sockeye Salmon in the gold pouch. It’s all about the packaging. The basic product inside is the same delicious, wild sockeye salmon from Canada’s west coast, but it’s all wrapped […] The post What is a SeaChange Smoked Sockeye Salmon Travel Pack? appeared first on SeaChange Seafoods - Unique Canadian Gifts.

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Discovering Art In Canada’s Airports

How many of us really take time to look around an airport? We’re usually more concerned with checking-in, grabbing a bite to eat before the flight, or buying gifts from Canada in the Duty Free stores. Have you ever thought of an airport as an opportunity to visit an art gallery? Several of our major airports in Canada have art […] The post Discovering Art In Canada’s Airports appeared first on SeaChange Seafoods - Unique Canadian Gifts.

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