Candied Salmon and Roasted Red Pepper “Queso Flameado”
A guest post by Canadian food blogger Korena Vine. Cheese is always a crowd pleaser, especially when it is served warm and melty. This easy and delicious appetizer takes its cue from Mexican queso flameado, a dish of melted cheese most often topped with cooked

Pairing Suggestions: Craft Beer with SeaChange Wild Salmon Jerky
We found some winning combinations at our craft beer pairing party, but don’t just take our word for it – grab a few packs of new SeaChange Wild Salmon Jerky and your favourite craft beers and try it for yourself!

Celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary
Sesquicentennial – now there’s a word. Pronounced [ses-kwi-sen-‘ten-ee-uhl], it means 150th anniversary or celebration. And in two years’ time it’s going to be the word on everyone’s lips as Canada marks the 150th anniversary of Confederation. 2017 will be a huge celebratory year in Canada – Have you started thinking ahead yet? Do you have a ‘Sesquicentennial project’? Conversations about […]
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Smoked salmon: hot or cold smoked?
Before refrigeration, salmon was smoked and dried to preserve it. Canada’s First Nations peoples perfected the method to preserve their wild salmon catch for a long winter. Today there are as many kinds of smoked salmon as there are chefs – and lots of questions too. One we often get asked here at SeaChange is whether our Canadian wild salmon […]
The post Smoked salmon: hot or cold smoked? appeared first on SeaChange Seafoods - Unique Canadian Gifts.