As a business or as an individual, it can be easy to suffer from ‘donation fatigue’. The number of people requesting your support can often become overwhelming – deciding who most needs that support can become exhausting, especially when considering every cause that makes a request. Quite often, spending precious time agonizing over this issue will only result in less profit to donate.
SeaChange Seafoods was faced with this problem for many years – receiving requests for multiple causes and enduring endless solicitations for subsequent donations when our donation resources were already drained.
We developed a strategy to focus our donation efforts to match our company values. We now donate to friends and neighbours in our home community of Salt Spring Island who represent local non-profit organizations. We provide that support in the form of SeaChange product donations, which can be used as raffle prizes, door prizes, or speaker gifts.
In addition, we decided to make a fixed financial commitment to one main charitable cause. Because the desire to share food is at the core of SeaChange Seafoods company values, we provide our support to Food Banks Canada. We commit 5% of our net profits to this cause.
Last week SeaChange employees brought $2400 worth of SeaChange products at wholesale value to the Food Bank – one of at least two donations we make annually. We also donate to the Christmas Hamper program, and we occasionally make special donations to food banks and soup kitchens in both Vancouver and Victoria. It feels great to be part of our local community, and it is encouraging to be tackling hunger issues by sharing food with others.
The post Why SeaChange Seafoods Supports Local Food Banks appeared first on SeaChange Seafoods - Unique Canadian Gifts.